Sam Ashaolu - Motivating and Inspiring others

From community housing in Rexdale, to beating the odds and receiving a full basketball scholarship to a prestigious college in the USA…everything can change in the blink of an eye!

Sam Ashaolu's story inspires and models an example of how each of us can overcome adversity to become our best selves and live a life we can be proud of. Mr. Ashaolu is a motivational speaker that can connect with diverse audiences to share his inspirational journey.
Call sam to speak or run workshops.


Sam Ashaolu

Brother, Friend, Former College Athlete, Social Worker, Coach, Mentor, Motivational Speaker 

Sam Ashaolu has spoken at different schools and organizations. Sam captures youths and young adults with his story of Hard Work and Never Giving Up. He captures his audience with his amazing story of fighting through adversity to achieve his dream of receiving a Division 1 scholarship. 


Hard Work

 A  great deal of effort, into your work either physically,mentally or emotionally.


Being committed to completing your task at hand.

Never Give Up

Even when your goals don’t look obtainable, keep striving.


What People say

Suzzette Joseph

Our Place Peel

The youths expressed to me how inspiring your story was to them. They were so moved by your story and how you never gave up on your dream. The following day I came into work and everyone’s still talking about your speech. Keep up the great work and don’t let anyone silence you, I want to thank you for coming to share your story to inspire all of us.

Patrick Shaw

Community Recreation Programmer

I would like to thank Sam for coming and sharing his story with the kids at Falstaff Community Centre. His story was very moving and captivating. He spoke about making it out of the low-income neighborhood to getting a full Division 1 scholarship. I could see the kids listening to every word he said. I recommend Sam’s Story to all students or young adults that need to hear a story about being persistent and not giving up. Sam’s story was very relatable to the youths at my Community Centre.

Jeffrey Saah

Light Body Wellbeing

Sam was invited to speak in a workshop on the topic of resiliency. Sam showed a great level of humility when sharing his story of injury and success. He inspired all the participants on the platform and was able to address all their questions with the basic truth that resilience and effort is the key to success.

Ms. Burges

Peel Alternative South

The message of Hard Work and Never Giving Up was very good for my students. Sam’s Story showed my students that you will face adversity in life, you just can’t give up!

Adam Saville

Jefferson Public School

“Mr. Ashaolu’s story was really motivating. His story was very inspiring to my students. My students were really embarrassed by the challenges and obstacles he went through but he did not give up.  The way he communicated with the students to let them know that you will face challenges and obstacles in life but you can’t quit or give up was very remarkable. Mr Ashaolu’s story was very inspiring to my students and to me. “

Amna Ahmad

Malton Neighbourhood Services

 The youth really enjoyed your speech. It was very motivating and the fact that after you spoke you stayed behind to teach the youth some basic basketball drills was remarkable. The youth really love basketball and some of them have aspirations in basketball and when you said in your story that you had over twenty five Universities recruiting you, but since you were not taking your education seriously they stopped recruiting you. That really woke some of them up. Thank you Sam for coming in and sharing your remarkable story.”


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